

UFO sightings and nuclear plant locations

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UFO event duration time in cities with nuclear plants

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Most common shapes in cities with nuclear plants


UFO event duration time in cities with no nuclear plants

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Most common shapes in cities with no nuclear plants

Fun facts


Evolution of UFO reports

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Is the myth debunked then?

I came into this analysis expecting to find some magical relationship between the nuclear plant locations and the location of UFO events. To my surprise this didn’t really happen. In fact, there are nuclear plant locations with no UFO reports nearby.

The only note worthy details where, that around nuclear plants on average the events last for a shorter period of time, and that the most common shape here is the triangle even though in general, and by far, the most reported shape was the light.

Sometimes going into a dataset you expect something and have a lot of fun in the process of finding out that the original idea wasn’t exactly right.

I wonder why the myth continues and if something is different in the UK in comparisson to other countries like the United States where some sources claim the analysis has in fact confirmed the idea that UFO follow nuclear facilities.

Further analysis can be done on this, maybe with various or different datasets.


Most common words when describing UFO events

UFO Wordcloud






Data sources:

Related articles:

Data cleaning and dashboard:

  • The data cleaning process was carried out on jupyter notebooks with the help of pandas and numpy.
  • This dashboard was created on R Markdown with the Flex dashboard functionality.
  • The original datasets contain worldwide information and the analysis can be done for any of the included countries or all.
  • Do not recommend this last idea…
  • GitHub repository with all the stuff